棋戦: 開始日時: 終了日時: 上手番 上手の持駒:  9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ | ・ ・ ・ ・v玉v金 ・ ・ ・|一 | ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|二 |v歩v歩v歩v歩v歩v歩v歩v歩v歩|三 | ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|四 | ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|五 | ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|六 | 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩|七 | ・ 角 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 飛 ・|八 | 香 桂 銀 金 玉 金 銀 桂 香|九 +---------------------------+ 下手の持駒:  下手: 上手: 手数----指手---------消費時間-- *Kifu commentary by Madoka Kitao (ladies professional 2-dan). * *Title: A 9-piece handicap game with student M * *This time we will look at a 9-piece handicap game. Student M has began learning shogi last year, in September. She has a lesson once a month and she started by learning the names of the pieces and their movements. * *During the lesson in February, Ms. M has played really well, so I would like you all to learn from her - it was an exemplary game (^-^). * *Terminology: *Shitate = Handicap taker *Uwate = Handicap giver 1 3二金(41) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *In a 9-piece handicap game I recommend that you aim to: *1) Promote the bishop, *2) Promote the rook, *3) Take the handicap giver's gold by a cooperated attack by the dragon (promoted rook) and the horse (promoted bishop), *4) Force the king to the corner, *5) Checkmate the king. *in the above order. * *If you skip some of the above steps and try to attack the king too quickly, then it's likely that the game will be prolonged and the king will become difficult to capture. * *OK, which piece should the handicap taker move? 2 7六歩(77) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *In shogi handicap theory it's recommended to first open the bishop's diagonal. (It's also the most frequent move for equal games). * *There is a shogi proverb saying to "prefer bishops over rooks in the opening." In handicap games up to 4-piece handicap the edge is a big weakness for the handicap giver and it's very effective to use the bishop's diagonal attack. So, let's start by activating the bishop. 3 6二玉(51) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *Besides pawns, the handicap giver has only the king and the gold, so his moves are extremely limited. * *OK, what's the handicap taker's next move? * *HINT: * *Where should we move the bishop, so that it can promote in two moves? 4 6六角(88) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *We advance the bishop aiming at the edge, which is the handicap giver's weakness! Even though Uwate sees that the bishop wants to promote, he has no way to prevent it. 5 6四歩(63) ( 0:00/00:00:00) 6 9三角成(66) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *We managed to easily promote the bishop. 7 5四歩(53) ( 0:00/00:00:00) 8 2六歩(27) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *Next we aim at activating the rook. 9 5三玉(62) ( 0:00/00:00:00) 10 2五歩(26) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *We push the pawn more and more forward. 11 4四歩(43) ( 0:00/00:00:00) 12 2六飛(28) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *Student M has moved the rook to the 26 square (R-26). * *Here it's better to the exchange the pawn by P-24 Px Rx P*23 R-26. We make a profit compared to the game, because we get a pawn in hand. 13 5五歩(54) ( 0:00/00:00:00) 14 7五歩(76) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *This was a good move with a subsequent plan. *OK, what it the idea? 15 6五歩(64) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *What do we do next? * *HINT: * *What should we do to promote the rook? 16 8六飛(26) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *Moving the rook here was a great idea. Again, Uwate has no way to stop the rook from promoting. 17 4三玉(53) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *I tried to escape with the king, but... 18 8三飛成(86) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *Student M has created a dragon! * *With this, both major pieces have been promoted, so it looks very promising! (^-^) 19 3四歩(33) ( 0:00/00:00:00) 20 7一馬(93) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *We move the horse closer. 21 3三玉(43) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *I tried to escape as far as possible, but... 22 7三龍(83) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *Finally, a check! * *The endgame is going to start really soon. 23 4三金(32) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *I blocked the attack by the gold. * *OK, what's the next move? * *HINT: * *Aim at the gold. 24 6一馬(71) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *This the fastest way to attack. * *Both the dragon and the horse look at the 43 square and their attacks are combined. * *The dragon will capture the king if Uwate moves the gold, so there is no defence. 25 3五歩(34) ( 0:00/00:00:00) 26 4三馬(61) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *We take the gold and check the king at the same time! The horse cannot be captured, as it is protected by the dragon. 27 2二玉(33) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *This is the only possible square for the king to go and there is a forced mate. * *Hint: It's a mate in 3. Let's read all the moves. 28 3三馬(43) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *We chase the king by making the dragon and horse work together. * *There are some other mating lines. (Checking with the dragon also mates). 29 2一玉(22) ( 0:00/00:00:00) *No matter where the king escapes... 30 2二金打 ( 0:00/00:00:00) *...it's going to be checkmated by the gold. * *A splendid play! The king was mated in only 30 moves. Student M can now move on to the next handicap. * *According to Miss M, she practised using Piyo Shogi. I recommend that you check it too! 31 投了 ( 0:00/00:00:00) まで30手で上手の勝ち